Collectives | Depth Healing
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Specialized Collectives

Healings that will allow you to Unleash Your Inner Greatness

Learn more about each type of collective offered.

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Performed by Dr. G. Rex Kruhly
Founder & CEO at Depth Healing

Dr. G. Rex Kruhly will host regular Specialized Collectives focusing on Specific issues, challenges, and difficulties that we all face. Participants will be selected and then cleared using Depth Healing. Using Morphic Field Technology these sessions will be VERY POWERFUL.

In these collectives we will cover

Your Health

Asthma, Headaches, Back Pain, Diseases, Chronic Pains, Other Ailments, etc...


Losing weight, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Anger, etc... 

Life Challenges

Legal matters, Finances, Management issues, Rebuilding lifestyle, etc...

Special Situations

Black Magic, Possession, Paranormal Disturbances, etc...

Your Relationships

Finding a partner to love, Intimacy, ​Resolving Family Issues, etc...

Glass Buildings

Why Collectives

Specialized Collectives, Vs 1 to 1 Private Sessions

Specialized Collectives use Morphic Field Physics to focus on a specific topic and are more powerful due to the number of attendees whose combined Subconscious Minds form a massive cloud of information.  Dr. G is able to address up to 21 thousand people at one time. 

Private Sessions focus on your specific needs and life situation. After detailed discussion of all relevant information, Dr. G applies Depth Healing Technology to locate and remove the cause at whatever level of mind necessary. Depth Healing Technology was created to remove all the barriers, negative programming, and dissonance in your life.


Join The Next Major Event and Become Part of a Mighty Morphic Field that Will Transform Your Life

Click Now to Learn More

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