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Dr. G. Rex Kruhly

Dr. Grant Kruhly has been studying and training in his multi-discipline crafts of Health, Quantum Science, Personal Development (the areas of awakening, business success and goal achievement, psychology, stress, athletic performance, martial prowess), Consciousness and Brain Research, Classical Japanese Sword, Zen, Aikido, Oneness and Deeksha, Energy Psychologies, Brain Reprogramming, Military Science, Biology, Ecosystems, and Spiritual Mystical Experiences for over 51 years.

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My Story

Depth Healing represents the apex of all the studies and training mentioned above and stands on the shoulders of the brilliant late Dr. Ted Morter and Dr. George Goodheart Jr, the remarkable work of Dr. Sarah Childre, and the Peerless Spiritual Mystic Wisdom of Avatars Sri Amma Bhagavan. 


The fundamental technology consists of destructive and constructive interference frequencies transmitted by Dr. G via Quantum Entanglement, combined with applied kinesiology, heart coherence, and Deeksha.  Clinical results can be immediate or forthcoming in the following days, weeks, or even months.  Depth Healing is utterly successful, with Robust Clinical Results across the board.


Today, Dr. Grant consults, heals, and nurtures clients from all over the Globe online.  His work combines his vast background and it is delivered online using the Quantum Field.  Over the decades he has become a master of that ability.


Thanks to the landmark studies and genius of Scientists and Doctors like William Tiller, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Ted Morter, Nassim Haramein, and organizations like the Heart Math Institute, the science supporting and explaining Dr. Kruhly’s work is now available to all.


He has his honors degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Windsor Canada and graduated as a Clinical Chiropractic Physician from Texas Chiropractic College in TX.  He is an elite martial specialist and spiritual guide.  Author of WANT MORE, and has been hosted on radio and talk shows, including being the co-host of The Radical Man series. 


Dr. G is a dedicated Healer and considers his work a sacred mission serving the Divine. 




Dr. G attended 3 major Chiropractic Colleges in the United States. First one was Life University in GA, the second one, Parker College in Dallas TX, and the final one, Texas Chiropractic College in Houston TX, where he graduated as a Chiropractic Physician in 2006, Total Years, 5 During those years Dr. G apprenticed under 3 world-class Doctors. In Dallas, under Dr. Lance Wright, Master of Network Chiropractic. In Houston TX, under Dr. Jeff Brittain, Master of Network Chiropractic and Metabolic Therapies, and Dr. Bob Rakowski, Master of Applied Kinesiology and Functional Medicine.

Additionally, Dr. G directly studied under each of the Founders of the major Chiropractic Systems:


  • George Goodheart Jr. Founder Genius of Applied Kinesiology

  • Donald Epstein, Founder Genius of Network Chiropractic, a Quantum Process System.

  • Ted Morter, Founder Genius of B.E.S.T


GAME CHANGER- upon graduation, Dr. G moved to GA to open his first clinic. There he met his greatest teacher, Dr. Larry Haberski, Grand Master of B.E.S.T (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique)


Over the next 8 years, Dr. Haberski taught Dr. G the Quantum Field as it relates to mind and the Subconscious, Spirit, Past Lives, Disease, Pain, everything. He taught Dr. G how to interpret the symptoms of the body as a language so that the cause could be known. If it’s known and found it can be cleared!


All of ‘Depth Healing’ is foundationally based on the craft and knowledge Dr. Haberski shared with Dr. G. He holds a 4 year Honors BHK from the University of Windsor Ontario Canada graduated in 1991. Exercise Physiology with minor in Psychology.




Dr. G. held Chiropractic licenses in both Georgia and Tennessee USA


Since 2015 Dr. G shifted all his work to International Distance Healer with clients all over the world.


Certified in Network Spinal Analysis 


Specialist of Bio Cranial, a reorganizational method developed by Dr. Boyd of Scotland.


Support Modalities:


Cervical Myofascial Release


Active Release Technique




Professional Sensei of Yoshinkai Aikido

Senior Student of Shinkage Ryu

Tactical Handgun / Shotgun

Several other methods

As of 2022 have actively trained 52 years.


​Built the DO SATSU KEN DOJO, (Insight Sword School) in Mt. View CA. 

From 1994 – 2000 taught all branches of the military both enlisted and veterans. Trained members of the Palo Alto Swat Team and several scientists from NASA. Worked with battered/abused women and rebuilt their lives and self-esteem, coached and trained Silicon exec and IT people in professional and personal development. 


Yearly, Dr. G lead off-trail backpacking wilderness retreats, 7 days long with Meditation and Zen Sword in the high escarpment of Yosemite Valley.


Author of WANT MORE? The seven simple disciplines to empower your life.  Written for Corporate America, it uses Zen applied through the body to break the stress cycle of corporate agendas to be applied in real time on the job.


Was Co-host of the Internet TV show, The Radical Man, a weekly broadcast examining Manhood and Men’s issues in the western world. It aired for about one year and a half.

Biographical Info - The Men Who Made Dr. G. Rex Kruhly

I was told that my readers, students, and clients would enjoy knowing more about me as I seem to be quite different in many ways.  This is because I was initiated by men, as it was long ago, and not by women.  That point cannot be overstated, the differences are profound, especially when viewed over time so that the masculine qualities can mature.  For further reading on this, I recommend the superb book of Robert Bly entitled IRON JOHN.  You can listen to Bly read the entire work along with his commentaries right on YouTube.  I recommend this because Bly is a world-famous Poet and has a unique voice.  So when he reads it you hear the emphasis and underlying emotions that give life to the brilliant information he presents there.

In this particular article, I want to list and acknowledge all the men spanning my life thus far, 64 years, whose knowledge, energy, and personality traits have been absorbed into me at various levels of intensity and clarity.  I hope that I do not omit anyone.  


These men, many of them ICONS and Masters of the Highest Rank in today's world, (some are deceased now) imbued me with the qualities, knowledge, and abilities I now enjoy and continue to cultivate.  I still fall far short of the mark on many levels, but it's a process I truly enjoy.


To all of the following, I express my deepest gratitude.


My Father, Stephen Kruhly, 

My Grandpa, William Lawson

Uncle Jack, my favorite.

Uncle Philip


When I failed grade 1 at the age of 6, my Father and the whole family emotionally abandoned me, so my immense drive and desire for masculine leadership, inspiration, and guidance on manhood led me to the Cinema.   


Way back then, (I was born in 1956) during the 50’s and 60’s they actually produced movies of high moral caliber and I learned a great deal vicariously via the great Iconic Actors of that Golden Age of Hollywood.  If you have read any of the articles on this website you should have an understanding of how strongly these actors are imprinted in my subconscious mind.  Remember, until age 7 our brain is only recording. From age 7 on the frontal cortex is making choices and judgments but only by reference to the recorded data from the first 7 years of life.  All of the following actors listed here were strongly downloaded into me because I had almost no interaction from my Parents except for food and safety and basic needs.  This is unique in itself and continued until I became the Deshi (Professional student) of Takashi Kushida, Master of Yoshinkan Aikido at the age of 18.  Kushida, by the way, was a total ICON, more on him to come.


From each of the following Actors I took and internalized certain qualities, values, and standards. 


The DUKE, John Wayne


Errol Flynn

James Cagney

Sir Laurence Olivier

Kirk Douglas

Claude Rains

Basil Rathbone 

Gary Cooper

Clint Eastwood

Charles Bronson

Rex Harrison

Victor McLaglen

Alan Ladd

Richard Burton

Burt Lancaster

James Stewart

George C. Scott


Once I graduated high school, I entered the formal workforce at Ford Motor Company so I could afford my training under Takashi Kushida. I did labor work for a total of 10 years.  From age 18 until age 27 my entire world was Kushida, and I internalized every moment with him.  Some of that was good, but a lot of it was bad.


He was a truly great master of Aikido, Direct Lineage from Shioda Sensei to O Sensei as well as the 5th generation Sensei of Genbu Sotojustsu; his Father’s family system.  As a young boy, I worshiped him.  He initiated me into manhood and imbued me with the skills, qualities, values, and attitudes of a classical Samurai which eventually lifted me into the top one percent of Yoshinkai Sensei in all of the western hemisphere.  However, because I was so open to him I also internalized all his bad qualities, arrogance, and judgmental mind. It took almost 7 years before I realized he was a complete hypocrite and had used me strategically to promote his position. That of course broke my heart so badly, I sought out a professional psychologist to help me process it.  I saw Dr. Raymond Daly at the University of Windsor for 3 years to get through it. That was a milestone in my development as a Man and Martial Artist. 


Eventually, money and position seduced Kushida and he regressed steadily. He even betrayed his teacher, the great Founder of Yoshinkai Aikido, Gozo Shioda. He died, a lonely grief-filled man, of rare lung cancer. His demise, similar to that of King Solomon on a lesser scale, remains as a reminder and lesson to me of the WRONG WAY, and how easily one can fall into that hole. 


Obviously, I left him.  I planned to go to Japan as Uchi Deshi under Shioda Sensei for 5 years.  Shioda Sensei loved me and had given me the title of Shogun-General, which I carried with great pride.  I was 27, but it was not to be.  Early that year my right knee broke, then Dad died of Cancer mid-year, and just before leaving for Japan, I broke my back weight training. I healed my back with energy and meditation, just like Joe Dispenze healed his, but I never did make it back to Japan. Instead, I did a 4-year honors program, then left Canada for a new beginning in California. There I established my school and became known worldwide.  I taught Military, Police - Swat, NASA scientists, Silicon Valley executives, and the General Populace. My Dojo’s standards were peerless, and my students were respected by all. No commercial garbage in my Dojo, just pure BUDO.


The list of the finest students I produced at the DoSatsu Ken Dojo:


Officer Michael Canfield.

Danny Ziony

Dr. Paul Klonowski

Miss Odile Cole

Mr. Matt Turner

Dr. Brett Buckley

Mr. Marco Picollini

Miss Liz Berg

Mr. Shogo Garcia


Each one is highly successful today, and I miss them all. Most of them studied 4 hours a night, 5 -7 days a week for 5 -7 years.


It is no longer possible to find a Dojo like mine or train as we did, that is completely extinct now, more the pity.


In 1991 I experienced a deep Enlightened State that lasted about 45 minutes during my Gestalt Psychology class under Dr. Neil Holland at the University of Windsor.  That immediately changed the entire course of my life.  Within a matter of months, I left Canada and moved to California.  That is a major milestone, and the very first time I left home and all that I knew. I began to spread my wings.


The following is a list of special men who played important roles as friends, mentors, and teachers during the years that followed.  Some of them are still active in my life now.  Each one is a real man.


Mr. Marco Picollini

Mr. Stuart Hoffer

Dr. Terry Hill

Mr. Gene Hinman

Mr. Joseph Ballizich

Dr. Guy Ferru


My Formal Academic Education and the Men I Met There




Academically, I attended Public School - Ivor Chandler in Windsor.  One man will forever be remembered and admired by me.  Mr. John Muir, may he rest in peace, a nobleman and refined gentleman with real Alpha Power and Presence!!!




I attended high school at Vincent Massey, nobody was relevant there.


Canadian University:  Entered at age 27


I did a 4 year Honors BHK Degree at the University of Windsor.  Two men there. 

First and foremost, the great football Champion and Coach, Gino Fracas. I loved that giant of a MAN, may he rest in peace.  


Dr. Raymond Daly changed the entire course of my life. A real fine man.


Chiropractic College - USA (began in 2002):


I went to several Chiropractic Colleges until I finally graduated from Texas Chiro College in Houston.  


At Life Chiropractic College was Mr. Samuel Demons, a real warrior and gentleman, proven in combat, Vietnam.


At Parker Chiropractic College was Dr. Thomas Redenbaugh, ex-Navy, powerhouse.


At Texas Chiropractic College there is no one.


A Special Influence in the 1990s


While living in Silicon Valley in California, I was introduced to Sheikh Hisham, a Sufi Master and I became his student.  Loved him. 


He introduced me to his truly great Master, the late Maulana Sheikh Nazzim.  I utterly loved Him. Sheikh Nassim was the real deal, the greatest Spiritual Master I have ever met in person in my life to this day.  Sheikh showed me in no uncertain terms actual Spiritual Power and Divine Presence. I was with them for 4 years, and during that time I learned a lot.  My entire massive Dojo, which I built in 1994 was materialized directly from Him. It's a long story, and I will not go into that here.  Left Sufi forever, 1996


Warriorship, My Tactical Firearms Teachers, Hard Core Proven Professionals            


I was initiated into the real world of firearms for urban warfare in Bakersfield CA in the mid-1990s.  My dear friend and student, Mr. John Wilkes took me there for a 4-day intensive held by Front Sight.


I was with proven men who served in the Vietnam War, as well as Swat and Police officers seasoned by experience. It was pure heaven and I absorbed the masculine energy of real warriors like a sponge, men who had faced death head-on. Quite different from the self-proclaimed fakes on social media, (laughing).


Chuck Taylor

Gabe Suarez

Mark Fleishman

Retired Master Sergeant Teage (spelling not sure)


Later, in the Georgia 2007 - 2015

Jason Mathews

Stan Pagett


Until I moved to Thailand in April of 2015 I was always heavily armed and a fully equipped Prepper.  Miss my guns, especially the shotgun.


This ends the area of Male Influence and Inspiration regarding my development as a MAN.  Now I will mention key people who have helped form me into the professional Doctor, Author, Teacher, and Founder of Depth Healing that I am today. These people provided me with Data, Perspectives, and Methodologies that I have woven into the fabric of my work and understanding.


The List of Genius Doctors / Healers Whose Shoulders I Stand On Today


Dr. George Goodheart Jr, Founder of Applied Kinesiology

Dr. Donald Epstein, Founder of Network Spinal Analysis

Dr. Ted Morter, Founder of Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique


I was able to study directly under each one.  Especially Dr. Goodheart, and I am certified in Network.


From the Founders above I apprenticed under 4 tremendous Master Doctors representing the above Founding Systems: 


Dr. Lance Wright, Former top student of Dr. Epstein, Dallas Texas

Dr. Jeff Brittain, Former top student of Dr. Epstein, Houston Texas


In my opinion, both Lance and Jeff have surpassed Epstein and are incredible Master Healers - think of Yoda.


Dr. Bob Rakowski, a student of AK from Dr. Goodheart as well as Multiple Other Systems, respected and known worldwide, routinely saves thousands of lives, and on one occasion saved mine too, or I would not be writing this article.  Houston Texas.  I truly admire Bob, and by the way, Bob is a PURE MAN and Warrior!!!


Dr. Joe Dinoff, perhaps the mirror image of Dr. Ted Morter, is a complete Master of BEST. He led me to my biggest Master Mentor of all, Dr. Larry Haberski.

 Dr. Haberski has so many areas of Mastery it boggles the mind.  A humble man, I don’t know anyone in his class. Period.


As great as Dr. Ted Morter was, Dr. Haberski surpassed him in my opinion.  

I would see him almost every week for 8 years. He taught me AS he healed me and transformed my understanding of Consciousness, Energy, and the Unseen. All of my work with Depth Healing is based on my time under him. The difference between my work and everyone else in the world today is my relationship and bond with the Great Compassionate Light.  That bond is my secret and the key to everything I do.


A Separate Category of Healing


I studied under and was empowered by Kia Aman of Tibetan Reiki and his top student, Russel Holcombe.  I am certified as a Master of Reiki and spent a full year in each of the 3 levels  (This is real Reiki and not the “weekend version”). 


My Quantum Background


Over 2 decades of intense self-study following key scientists:


Dr. William Tiller - Stanford U

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr. Sara Childre - Founder of Heart Math Institute.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake - Morphic Resonance

Nassim Haramein - Resonance Academy ( I’m a delegate of that program)

Dr. Courtney Brown, Multi Verses, Distance Viewing - Emory University


Entrepreneurial Personal Study Program spanning over 2 decades:


Mr. Bob Proctor

Mr. Earl Nightingale

Mr. Jack Canfield

Mr. John Asaraf

Mr. Brendon Burchard

Mr. Tony Robbins

Mr. Jim Rohn


I studied the above-mentioned business coaching Icons extensively.

I will end with a quote by Baltasar Gracian, “Nothing so becomes a man as to be a Man.”


I have been striving to attain that all my life, and I continue to do so.  I will live that way, and God Willing, I will die that way.  Dr. G


I'm always looking to expand upon the global consciousness level and help people learn how to thrive. Let's connect.

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